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What Makes a Naturopathic Doctor Distinct?

What Makes a Naturopathic Doctor Distinct?

Most naturopathic doctors spend between 1-2 hours with patients on initial visits, and 30-60 minutes on subsequent follow up visits. Beyond extended time, you can expect a discussion about your lifestyle, social setting, and support systems as well as a detailed review of your current health concern and your health history. A licensed naturopathic doctor will also review your prescription and supplement history, conduct a physical exam as needed, and order diagnostic tests when indicated.

These 11 licensed naturopathic doctors want you to know what makes naturopathic care exceptional, with differences you’ll see, starting at your first visit.

Originally published on the Institute for Natural Medicine.

Why Avid Omnivores Go Meatless for May

Why Avid Omnivores Go Meatless for May

Banned Ads: Restricted Ad Types for Search and Social Media

Banned Ads: Restricted Ad Types for Search and Social Media