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Sweeten the Pot: A Guide to Greener Cookware

Sweeten the Pot: A Guide to Greener Cookware

Eating the right food is great for our health, but the benefit becomes less if we are exposing ourselves to toxic chemicals from our cookware. Consider cooking organic carrots in a Teflon pan — kinda cancels out the benefit. This article seeks to explore not only the cookware that is good for us, but also that which is good for the environment. Appearing originally in EcoParent in summer of 2020, this cookware guide has been republished with permission at Realize a Healthy California.

A lot of people do ask about green cookware, but I have never seen such a good summary of all the types until this...

Posted by Healing Roots Naturopathic Clinic on Saturday, June 6, 2020
When Navigating Speech Delays, Don't Assume You Have All the Answers

When Navigating Speech Delays, Don't Assume You Have All the Answers

Review: Plant-based 7 Minute Lift

Review: Plant-based 7 Minute Lift