Review: School Mask Pack
We ordered our first School Mask Pack by Crayola in search of the perfect fitting mask. Finding the right fit has definitely been a challenge in this house. Each family member needs masks that do different things. My husband needs a mask he can wear at work five night a week, that can also be easily removed for a snack or socially distanced break. I leave the house less, but double mask in grocery stores and also run frequently. Kiddo is higher needs but also four. He needs a mask that is comfortable and fits well. If it slips, he’ll try to take it off.
We don’t need a one-size-fits-all mask
We’ve supported a number of local businesses and purchased home-made cotton masks locally. These have been great, but as different family members have borrowed the closest clean mask — we’ve easily stretched out many elastics. I don’t feel the need to commercially purchase more simple elastic straps for this reason. I also love the neck gaiters I’ve gotten from different virtual races, but if you’ve read the news lately — neck gaiters are fine but likely controversial.
School Mask Packs are worth the wait
We ordered our pack of kid’s masks back in June when I still believed in-person preschool might be an option. It was understood that this was a preorder and would be a significant wait. I received these items in early August. If you need a mask right now, you will need an interim purchase until your pack can arrive, as the company has experienced Covid-related delays in shipping and manufacturing.
But it’s worth the wait.
Sealed package that arrives with your mask 5-pack.
The masks arrive five to a pack in a sealed bag, and inside that bag is a washable mesh holder. Preventing mask loss in the laundry is definitely a plus. The masks themselves are colorful and you can choose from multiple patterns on the website including a waterproof version. There are also masks in adult sizes, which we have ordered too.
The company lists the mask materials as:
100% Cotton Outer Layer
Cotton-Polyester Blend Inner Layer
Polyester ear straps
Polystyrene bead stopper
I thought the delivered product fit well-tried on both my child and his stuffed puppy. I was delighted with the ear-adjustment straps. It’s a stretchy elastic with a bead to hold exact ear placement. There’s also a bendy nose wire. I could tell the fit was right because both puppy and child wore their masks the entire time we were out instead of swiftly discarding the face cover.
Overall I’m really happy with the purchase so far, and can’t wait for our adult packs. For a five-mask deal prices run about $35 for kids and $45 for adults when I purchased, making these affordable too.
Masks in mesh bag with use tracker.
School Mask Pack in solid blue.